1 September 2023

Our new magazine almost ready

The warehouse may not be the heart (because the heart is the employees and volunteers), but it is definitely the respiratory system of the Food Bank. Those of you who have seen our magazine know that these respiratory system sometimes was short of breath. That is why we were looking for the possibility of financing the construction of a bigger warehouse … and we succeeded. Thanks to the funding from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, we received money for the construction of a warehouse, the Municipality of Gdynia gave us the land, we chose the contractor, and the contractor built the magazine. Now we are waiting for the utilities operators to make the connections and inspections to approve the warehouse to operate.
We have very ambitious plans for the warehouse – we want it to be environmentally neutral and self-sufficient in terms of heating and electricity. That is why we plan to install photovoltaics and heating pumps. We have already submitted an appropriate application for funding to the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture.


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