
1,5% of your tax can save surplus food and help those in need.

Support Tricity Food Bank

KRS: 0000224076


Food Banks operate on almost all continents – except Antarctica (so far…). All Food Banks have one mission: they rescue surplus food from shops and markets and redistribute it to local charities and people in need.

We operate locally to minimize the negative ecological impact on the environment and quickly reach those who need our help. Together we save millions of tonnes of good food, caring for the people and ecology.

Food waste is an ecological hazard – it pollutes air, soil, and drinking waters. In 2021, thanks to our work over 480 tonnes of good food was saved from the landfill in the Pomeranian region. That is a lot – but we can still do better. Your 1% tax can help us save food more effectively!

Large families and single parents, refugees and immigrants, seniors and people with disabilities – last year we supported over 23 000 people from our region. But it’s still a small drop in the ocean of needs. Your 1% tax will help us reach all those who need our help!

1% tax step by step

If you make a tax settlement by hand or in a special app, all you need to do is find a specific part of the tax form – in the most popular PIT-37 it’s section J. There you fill in our KRS number: 0000224076, along with the amount of 1,5% tax (rounded down to full tens of grosz).

And what about online tax forms? That’s even easier. All the numbers are already there, you just need to fill in the KRS number 0000224076 or choose from a list the name of our organization: Związek Stowarzyszeń Bank Żywności w Trójmieście. Then you just click and… you’re done!

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