



We are an organization that creates a cooperation network.
We save food from being wasted.
We support those in need.
We educate.
We work together for a change.

How the Food Bank works

Thanks to cooperation with producers, distributors and farmers, we obtain large amounts of food, usually with short shelf-life. Through a network of over 50 cooperating non-governmental organizations and social welfare centers, we provide food to those in need quickly and efficiently.

Our Food Bank cares about the quality of the food provided and the safety rules in accordance with applicable law, i.e. the Act on Food and Nutrition Safety.

Products sent to the Food Bank in Tricity must be:

  • safe for health,
  • before the expiry date,
  • of appropriate quality.

We mainly accept food in bulk (2-10 food pallets), prepared for transport (packed on a pallet). However, we are also open to smaller donations. In the case of smaller quantities of products, we set individual rules for collection and distribution, targeting the food locally and directly.



We are prepared to distribute products with short expiry dates. Depending on the product and the size of the donation, its distribution may take 1-7 business days.


The Union of Food Bank Associations in Tricity was born in 2004 from the initiative of four charity organizations operating in Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia. From the very beginning, its main goal was to provide food aid to those in need and to prevent waste. Currently, the Food Bank in Tricity associates more than 60 member organizations – foundations and aid associations from the Tricity and the Puck and Wejherowo poviats.

Since 2015, the Food Bank in Tricity has been a member of the Federation of Polish Food Banks.

In 2016, Food Bank in Tricity received a distinction as part of the Award of the President of the City of Gdansk of Lech Badkowski in the NGO of the Year 2015 category.

In 2018, the Union of Food Bank Associations in the Tricity was awarded twice for its activities. The Gdynia Public Benefit Works Council appreciated us for the idea of ​​the social shop “Behind the table” by awarding the Silver Herring award.

We also received the Main Award of the Amber Gladiolus of Maciej Plazynski, handed over by the Pomeranian Marshal, Pomeranian Voivode and the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk.

Food Bank in the media

26.05.2020 Gazeta Wyborcza Tricity: Drought. You throw away a kilo of tomatoes, you waste 214 liters of water

20.02.2020 Eska.pl: You can eat cheap and exquisite! The Too Good To Go application is conquering the Tricity

24.12.2019 Gdańsk.pl: Holidays and richly laid tables. Don’t waste food – what can you do?

16.10.2019 Radio Gdańsk: Poles waste terrible amounts of food. “Let’s think about whether we have to throw away a given product”

20.09.2019 Trójmiasto.pl: Another store with free food in Gdynia

20.09.2019 MOPS Gdynia: Gdynia has a second social store

18.09.2019 Radio Gdańsk: Will the act on counteracting food waste bring the desired effect? “It gives a great field for better use of food”

18.09.2019 Radio Gdańsk: No more wasting food in stores? Thanks to the new law, it is to reach more people in need

23.07.2019 Radio Gdańsk: Less food will go to the trash thanks to the new act. There will be penalties for stores not conforming to it

24.02.2019 Gdańsk.pl: Social store in Nowy Port. Free food for those in need

16.02.2019 TVP Gdańsk: Social store in Gdansk

15.02.2019 TVN 24: The first social store in Gdansk for people in need. “Here customers do not pay for food”

12.02.2019 Gazeta Wyborcza Tricity: The first social store in Gdańsk distributes food so that it does not go to waste

8.02.2019 Dziennik Bałtycki: Social store in Gdansk-Nowy Port: food for free for those in need

6.02.2019 Radio Gdańsk: Here people in need will get food without money. The first social store in Gdansk

5.02.2019 Radio Eska Trójmiasto: Melon, bananas and fresh fish, all for free

10.09.2018 Portal Pomorza: Melon, bananas and fresh fish, all for free

11.07.2018 Gdynia.pl: Social store in Gdynia for a year

22.01.2018 Gdańsk.pl: 30% less food wasted in the Tri-City in 3 years – is it possible?

19.01.2018 Horeca.net: Decisive steps taken by the Orbis Group in the fight against food waste

13.09.2017 Brief.pl: Hey, don’t waste! About the Food Bank in the Tri-Cit

11.09.2017 Trójmiasto.pl: Vege-feast in Stary Manez

28.08.2017 Dolce Vita: Mana Mana designed a charity bag Dobra na Bank!

22.08.2017 Trójmiasto.pl: People of the Tricity: girls from not wasting

15.05.2017 MOPS Gdynia: Gdynia’s Open Gardens, about joint cultivation of vegetables and fruit in the city

17.04.2017 Gdańsk.NaszeMiasto.pl: Food Bank in the Tricity appeals: Let’s not throw away the food after Christmas!


Charter of the Association of Food Bank Associations in the Tricity: DOWNLOAD

Annual and financial reports are available HERE


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